
Pengqian Lu

A friendly man.

About me

Aloha! This is Pengqian Lu. I am a PhD student in the University of Technology Sydney under the supversion of Prof. Jie Lu I am a MPhil student in the University of Sydney under the supervision of Prof. Tongliang Liu. My research interest is graph neural networks and learning with label noise. My interest is reading historical books, solving challenges and chating with interesting people.


The University of Technology Sydney
Septermeber 2022 - Present.
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

The University of Sydney
March, 2021 - Septermber 2022.
Master of Philosophy in Computer Science

Hangzhou Dianzi Univeristy
Sep, 2017 - Jun, 2020

Hangzhou Dianzi Univeristy
Sep, 2013 - Jun, 2017
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science

Honors & Awards

2022, ARC Discovery Project Scholarship
2022, International Research Scholarship
2021, Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Robust Graph Learning
2018, National scholarship for Postgraduates
2018, Huawei scholarship for Postgraduates.


[1] Li, Zhi, Jianhui Zhang, Jiayu Gan, Pengqian Lu, Zhigang Gao, and Wanzeng Kong. “Large-scale trip planning for bike-sharing systems.” Pervasive and Mobile Computing 54 (2019): 16-28.

[2] Lu, Pengqian, Jianhui Zhang, Siwen Zheng, and Tianyu Zhang. “Local ratio based distributed bike-dock pair allocation in public bike system.” In Proceedings of the ACM Turing Celebration Conference-China, pp. 1-5. 2019.

[3] Zhang, Jianhui, Pengqian Lu, Zhi Li, and Jiayu Gan. “Distributed trip selection game for public bike system with crowdsourcing.” In IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, pp. 2717-2725. IEEE, 2018.